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Leader's Guides

What's the best way to build a boy into a disciple of Jesus? By training him like Jesus was raised. All of our Stockade Leader’s Guides are designed around the four growth areas described by Luke 2:52: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." Yellow Guides are focused on spiritual growth (favor with God). Blue Guides are for social growth (favor with man). Red Guides help the boys to grow in wisdom. And finally, the Green Guides are based on physical growth (stature). Use these Stockade Leader’s Guides to help boys speak, act, and think more like Jesus.

Stockade Leader’s Guides are designed to give each leader a step-by-step guide for each Stockade meeting – covering all areas of the model meeting. Typically covering four weeks, each guide covers a skill and spiritual application including large group portions as well as specific procedures for each age group (Builders and Sentinels.)