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StocKar 1: Leader's Guide

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Product Description

Imagine driving a formula 1 racer down the straightaway at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza at 233 mph (375 km/h). Your V10 engine is humming along at peak performance as you bear down on the next corner in the Formula One Italian Grand Prix. The crowd is roaring their approval as you pass Jacques on your left. It is hard to imagine that experience, especially as we hold a little wooden car in our hands! What is important in this scenario, though, is the integrity of the car. You don’t want something to break loose or go wrong at that speed – it could be deadly when you are driving an engine with wheels. Integrity is just as important for the Christian boy and man. Hebrews says that the Christian life is like being in a race, and we need to: “… lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1-2 

This StocKar 1 Derby Leader’s Guide has a corresponding Outpost Adventures Guide that contains several Achievements the boys can do at home, or as part of a small group in their post meeting. These two resources are designed to work together to give your boys an exciting, spiritually-balanced learning experience. Make sure you have a StocKar 1 Derby Outpost Adventures Guide on hand for each boy, as several of the Post Meeting activities use pages from this guide.

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  1. Derby Book is a Companion Resource 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 28th Jun 2018

    Our StocKar Derby Book is meant to be a companion guide, and gives instruction and helps on Planning and Running the full gamut of a StocKar Derby. Guidance is given for Building a Car, and standards are found for size, weight and dimensions. All leaders will benefit from this Derby Book, regardless of prior knowledge and experience with this type of car derby. StocKar Derby Book (521311 I).

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