Welcome Race Fans!
As much as you probably enjoy the hard work and effort involved in running a StocKar Derby, you also want to have fun. You want to feel the satisfaction of knowing that it was a ministry as well as a quality activity.
Your friends at CSB Ministries compiled this book just for you. The information inside comes from years of experience in building cars and running StocKar Derbies. Use this book to help you keep your Derby organized and running smoothly.
Posted by Arden Musselman on 22nd Feb 2017
I am excited about the new line of StocKar Derby products. The new branding and the pieces that go into it really work well together. The Derby Book for example is just terrific as an upgrade. It's a thorough going over the former and updating with new photos and lots of good advice from the experience of the contributors.
The color printing is just outstanding on all these products, posters and fliers! Unquestionably worth the price in every case.