Welcome to the Pioneers Module. The purpose of this Outpost Adventure Guide is to provide the 8 to 11 year old boy with a fun and exciting Achievement Program of Christ-centered Adventure. The Bible says we are only passing through this world, that our true citizenship is in heaven. We are like travelors, or pioneers, on a journey. Using the analogy of Pioneers, you will explore the biblical truths of "God's Calling" in this module. The boys will learn that God has created them for a purpose, and that there is no better pursuit than that for which we were created. This pursuit was demonstrated for us by Jesus. This module contains a detailed guide to build a stockade model out of popsicle sticks, and a guide to plan an Out Trip for the whole unit.
Make sure you have a Pioneers Outpost Adventures Guide on hand for each boy, as several of the Post Meeting Activities use pages from this guide.