You can receive this paperback book, Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture, by Gary Yagel, Executive Director of Forging Bonds of Brotherhood, FOR FREE by applying coupon code ANCHOR2021 upon checkout.
Gary Yagel is a great friend and advocate to and for Christian Service Brigade. So much so he is offering this book, for FREE, to any Brigade leader who wants it.
“The summer I began reading Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture my then college-aged daughter, who was working at a summer job, came home one evening and said that the young lady she was working with mentioned that she was changing her gender from female to male but lives with her boyfriend. My daughter wanted to know how to accept her and have dialogue but not accept her lifestyle. I pulled out Gary’s book and she, her older sister and I had a great discussion about this important and relevant topic in today’s culture.”
- Joel Fiscus, CSB National Field Director